Pure Evil
Warning: May contain bright flashes!
WASD Movement
V - Adjust volume in game
Left Click: Progress dialogue, use weapons(Click and hold), etc.
Tip: The Big Eye waits for no one. The beam from it causes immense damage so be careful!
You are in a dream-like state where you have 2 orbs with different personalities and intentions. One orb wants to help, while the other one wants to actually sabotage you. Its your job to listen out to what they tell you so you can figure out the side of the story that is telling the truth and the other that's lieing.
This game was made for the GeoJam with the theme: The Other Side.
I'm highly proud of what was accomplished within these 3-4 days of developing this. Hope you guys enjoy!
04B_30_TTF Font - Yoji Oshimoto
Development log
- Pure Evil Update (V2)Apr 01, 2021
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Thank you for the feedback! Could you tell me in what areas it was lagging?
Ahhh ok thanks for letting me know. I'll try and see if I can make it better performance wise.
That's possible. Still, I atleast tried to make a few changes though to see it if it works Hopefully it does.