The Process of Making This game

This game took a process of about a month or even a few more, and I came up with it when thinking of random puzzles I could do and thinking about old nostalgic games I used to play.  I added most of the nostalgic music I used to hear from nostalgic games such as, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and The Tower of the Druaga. As I came up with the name and idea, I came up with the type of puzzles I wanted to do as I went alone with the process. I didn't think I would actually go through with it or actually finish it, but I am really thankful I did because I feel it shaped up pretty nice. There were some puzzles/ obstacles in the game where I didn't initially want to create, but seeing I am not an advanced programmer yet and don't have a team, I had to improvise and program something I could actually do. All the programming was done by me, but as for the models and music, they are from other people whom I have credited in the game. Some models were pre-built while others I had to do the building myself. I'm just happy I created a full rpg game with my idea in mind and I learned so much from scripting the game. For example, making sure to add comments in my scripts so I don't get lost, organizing my scripts, and many more! My biggest concern is whether the people who play it will like it or not or whether the game breaks, which I hope it doesn't!


Truth Be Told PC Version 60 MB
Oct 13, 2020
Truth Be Told Game Play in browser
Oct 13, 2020

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